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Over the Moon

'Over the Moon' doesn't succeed in lifting Netflix into Disney's orbit Netflix's 'Over the Moon.' (CNN) With Disney invading Netflix's streaming turf, turnabout is fair play, as "Over the Moon" overtly tries to emulate Disney animation without occupying its orbit. Although the movie is visually impressive, the Chinese-American co-production suffers from a too-thin story, built upon a heavy-handed message soaked in that oldest of Disney tropes: a dead mom. Veteran Disney animator Glen Keane directed the film, which comes from China's Pearl Studios, whose recent roster includes the uninspired  "Abominable."  The story (written by the late Audrey Wells, who died in 2018, and to whom the movie is dedicated) derived from the Chinese myth of the moon goddess, who achieved immortality but lost her love, pining for him in the night sky. Fei Fei (voiced by Cathy Ang) also experiences loss when her mom becomes sick, after an introductory se

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