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John Cornyn

John Cornyn goes on attack against challenger MJ Hegar in homestretch of U.S. Senate race U.S. Sen.  John Cornyn , R-Texas, and his allies are going on the attack on TV against his Democratic opponent, MJ Hegar, a notable development in a race where the challenger has done most of the jabbing so far. Late last week, Cornyn's campaign launched a  commercial  branding Hegar as "too liberal for Texas," while a pro-Cornyn super PAC, Texans for a Conservative Majority, went up Tuesday with a  spot  linking her to "New York taxes, California values." Tuesday was the first day of early voting for the Nov. 3 election. Recent polls have given Cornyn single-digit leads of varying sizes in his bid for a fourth term, though the sudden onslaught suggests his campaign sees the race as competitive at a critical time. Hegar raised $13.5 million in the third quarter of 2020, a massive improvement over her past hauls, and while Cornyn has not revealed his fundraising total for th

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