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Careers can wait, but parents don't.

  CHINA- For parents, being left by society is nothing terrible. But being neglected by their children is what saddens them the most. Recently on Zhihu - China's largest social Q&A network, there was the question: "When did you find out your parents were old?". The most sympathetic answer is: "When parents sit in one place and look at their children's attitude to follow." "We often take the busyness to justify our heartlessness. Speaking of being busy, I still have to meet friends every week, still take the time to travel and do personal homing. Being busy is a good reason I tell my parents when I can't visit my grandparents. And they always believed it to be true. I knew they were old," another recounted his story. Also from this question, the story happened 5 years ago of the family of Mr. Late Toan Binh living in Yanyang City, Jiangsu Province is repeated by many as a lesson in filial piety. Mr. and Mrs. Toan Binh and Lu Ai Binh relied o

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