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Showing posts with the label dianne feinstein

Love and Monsters

‘Love and Monsters’ Review: Dylan O’Brien Leads a Fun and Imaginative Post-Apocalyptic Romp “Love and Monsters” is the rarest kind of movie these days: A funny, original, genre-mashing adventure made with big studio money. “Love and Monsters” Michael Matthews’ “ Love and Monsters ” is the rarest kind of movie these days: A fun, imaginative, genre-mashing adventure that was made with a modest amount of big studio money and destined for a theatrical release despite not being adapted from a comic book or carried by a major star. Well, maybe “destined” isn’t the right word, as a certain pandemic (you know the one) came along and compelled Paramount to scuttle a multiplex release in favor of a VOD play. And while it might be legally accurate to say that “Love and Monsters” isn’t based on pre-existing material, it couldn’t be more obvious that it was conceived by someone who saw “Zombieland” on TV one night and thought to themselves: “I could do it better. And with bugs.” Lucky for us, they

John Cornyn

John Cornyn goes on attack against challenger MJ Hegar in homestretch of U.S. Senate race U.S. Sen.  John Cornyn , R-Texas, and his allies are going on the attack on TV against his Democratic opponent, MJ Hegar, a notable development in a race where the challenger has done most of the jabbing so far. Late last week, Cornyn's campaign launched a  commercial  branding Hegar as "too liberal for Texas," while a pro-Cornyn super PAC, Texans for a Conservative Majority, went up Tuesday with a  spot  linking her to "New York taxes, California values." Tuesday was the first day of early voting for the Nov. 3 election. Recent polls have given Cornyn single-digit leads of varying sizes in his bid for a fourth term, though the sudden onslaught suggests his campaign sees the race as competitive at a critical time. Hegar raised $13.5 million in the third quarter of 2020, a massive improvement over her past hauls, and while Cornyn has not revealed his fundraising total for th

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